In Residence in the Gaspé

Isabelle Gagné, Mirabel (Québec)

Isabelle Gagné’s creation residency begins during the 8th edition of Rencontres by way of the deployment of the platform and its Web robot [Bot] Stratotype digital—ien, which recomposes in random fashion pictures of the Québec landscape collected from ordinary people. Operating on Twitter, this autonomous bot randomly recomposes pictures of the Québec landscape. Its function is to transform photos, either taken by myself or collected from ordinary people in the course of one year. The images thus modified will create unusual visual occurrences of the Québec region on the Web and on search engines, and will generate a new layer of digital data until now non-existent on the Web. The gathering of photos will stretch over a year and begin during the artist’s residency in the Gaspé in 2017; the project will then be the subject of an exhibit at Rencontres in 2018.

Presented in association with TOPO – Laboratory for Digital Writings